FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 10, 2023 CONTACT Carter Dougherty (202) 251-6700 Washington, D.C. – On Thursday, President...
Archive for tag: Hedge Funds and Private Equity

Pandemic Profiteering: Private Equity Gets Bigger in Every Way
This post was guest authored by Meredith Chaffin. Communities across the United States have faced difficulties at nearly every turn...

OpenGate Capital Shuts Gate on Janesville Plant
This post was guest authored by Elisa McCartin. On May 27, 2021, 166 workers in Janesville, Wisconsin awoke to a...

The House Always Wins if You Own the House: Private Equity Housing Billionaires during COVID-19
This post was guest authored by Madeleine Johnsson Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the nation’s 61 billionaire-landlords saw...

The Megalomaniac Supervising the Maniac: Schwarzman, Trump, and Anti-Democracy
This post was guest authored by Madeleine Johnsson. Time may be up for Donald Trump in the White House, but...

COVID-19, who? Private equity firms thrive in pandemic
This post was guest authored by Madeleine Johnsson. Private equity firms have apparently discovered a vaccine that protects their bank...
TOWS Brief: Wall Street Makes Bank on Trump
On the first anniversary of the Trump administration, the Take on Wall Street coalition catalogs the ways that Wall Street made bank on Trump in 2017.
AFR/TOWS Statement: Senate Republican Tax Bill a Gift to Wall Street
On Friday, Senate Republicans passed a bill with some $1.5 trillion in tax cuts, overwhelmingly weighted to the wealthiest Americans. The bill lavishes tax cuts on Wall Street banks, on executives who can manipulate their legal status to obtain a lower tax rate, and on operations in foreign tax havens. In contrast, ordinary Americans earning wages and salaries receive very limited benefits, and in many cases will see their taxes increased.
TOWS Statement: Groups Slam Tax Bills For Failure to Close Carried Interest Loophole
The Take on Wall Street campaign denounced the proposed tax bills for effectively preserving the carried interest loophole for Wall Street money managers, a loophole Trump promised to close during the campaign trail.