This post was authored by Jessica Church. At Take On Wall Street, we’re excited about the growing consensus among...
Archive for tag: Stock Buybacks
Biden FY24 Budget Puts Working People Over Wall Street
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 10, 2023 CONTACT Carter Dougherty (202) 251-6700 Washington, D.C. – On Thursday, President...
Letter to President Biden: Use the power of the public purse for a more efficient & just economy
Hon. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500...

Record Corporate Profits, Record Stock Buybacks & the Plan to Tax Them
This post was authored by Porter McConnell & Mandla Deskins. While Black, white, and Brown working people are struggling to...

How to Prevent Another Wall Street Bailout & Ensure Help Gets to Those Who Need It
Our nation is facing an unprecedented crisis with wide ranging consequences. It is imperative that Congress take the lead as...