This post was authored by Ayana Prewitt and Joey Katzenell. The US tax code was created to make the wealthy...
Archive for tag: Taxes
IRS Enforcement Funding is at Risk
$20 billion in IRS enforcement funding is at risk. Losing this funding would undermine the IRS’ ability to take action...

Next Year’s Tax Debate is a Chance to Make the Tax Code Work for the Rest of Us
This post was guest authored by Brian Carss. Many of the provisions of the Trump-signed 2017 tax law are set...

Free Tax Filing: A Crucial Step Toward Unrigging Our Economy
Profit-driven tax preparation corporations like TurboTax are trying to undercut a new tool for filing taxes online that the IRS is launching in 12 states this spring.

The Case for a Fully Funded IRS
This post was guest authored by Maria Jose Pereira Gonzalez. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), signed into law by President...

Why is Momentum Growing To Regulate Stock Buybacks?
This post was authored by Jessica Church. At Take On Wall Street, we’re excited about the growing consensus among...
Biden FY24 Budget Puts Working People Over Wall Street
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 10, 2023 CONTACT Carter Dougherty (202) 251-6700 Washington, D.C. – On Thursday, President...

The Hidden Racism of the Tax Code: a fireside chat with Dr. Dorothy A. Brown & Dr. Darrick Hamilton
On December 9, the Take on Wall Street campaign of Americans for Financial Reform hosted a virtual fireside chat with...
It’s almost the new year. Let’s make sure private equity barons leave their favorite tax giveaway in 2021
Much like corporate raiders of the 1980s, the massive private equity industry spent the Covid-19 pandemic increasingly expanding their control...

Record Corporate Profits, Record Stock Buybacks & the Plan to Tax Them
This post was authored by Porter McConnell & Mandla Deskins. While Black, white, and Brown working people are struggling to...
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