The Save the Post Office Coalition in response to last night’s breaking news from The Washington Post— “Trump expected to...
Archive for tag: Democracy

Next Year’s Tax Debate is a Chance to Make the Tax Code Work for the Rest of Us
This post was guest authored by Brian Carss. Many of the provisions of the Trump-signed 2017 tax law are set...
Understanding Crypto Political Spending & Potential Consequences
Summary The crypto industry has emerged as a significant player in the 2024 elections, spending heavily to influence the outcomes...

Free Tax Filing: A Crucial Step Toward Unrigging Our Economy
Profit-driven tax preparation corporations like TurboTax are trying to undercut a new tool for filing taxes online that the IRS is launching in 12 states this spring.

36 groups call on USPS board of governors to restore public comment immediately
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 20, 2023 Thirty-six public interest groups led by The Save The Post Office Coalition sent a...

How White Violence Disrupts Our Democracy, Then and Now
This post was guest authored by Candace Silver. Over one hundred years before Donald Trump unleashed a white supremacist mob...

Rioting, insurrection, and racism: brought to you by Wall Street
This post was guest authored by Surina Goel. The attack on the Capitol on January 6 should not have been...

The Megalomaniac Supervising the Maniac: Schwarzman, Trump, and Anti-Democracy
This post was guest authored by Madeleine Johnsson. Time may be up for Donald Trump in the White House, but...

In Coronavirus, Wall Street Senses An Opportunity to Privatize Our Schools. We Can’t Let Them.
This post was guest authored by Joseph Miller. In the throes of the 2008 financial crisis, the Denver Public School...

The 2020 Democrats Platform Needs Work(ers).
This post was guest authored by Joseph Miller. The leftward shift of American voters has been a critical focal point...
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