Earlier this year, Americans for Financial Reform and Take on Wall Street hosted a fireside chat with Jeremy Bearer-Friend, a...
Archive for tag: Take On Wall Street

82 House Democrats Urge Biden to Name Postal Board Nominees to “Protect and Expand” a Public USPS on letter endorsed by 36 public-interest groups
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 1, 2024 CONTACTAnnie Normanannie@ourfinancialsecurity.org 82 Democratic Members of Congress Urge Biden to Name Postal Board Nominees...

Why is Momentum Growing To Regulate Stock Buybacks?
This post was authored by Jessica Church. At Take On Wall Street, we’re excited about the growing consensus among...
Ways and Means Committee Tax Plan Falls Short of Need to Advance Racial and Economic Justice
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sept. 13, 2021 CONTACT Carter Dougherty, carter@ourfinancialsecurity.org, (202) 251-6700 Committee Tax Plan Falls Short of Need...

In Coronavirus, Wall Street Senses An Opportunity to Privatize Our Schools. We Can’t Let Them.
This post was guest authored by Joseph Miller. In the throes of the 2008 financial crisis, the Denver Public School...

The 2020 Democrats Platform Needs Work(ers).
This post was guest authored by Joseph Miller. The leftward shift of American voters has been a critical focal point...

2 Million Strong to Save the Post Office (Not Including Canines)
This post was guest authored by Joseph Miller. Take on Wall Street joins allies at the American Postal Workers Union...

Take On Wall Street Poll: Key Findings from Battleground Congressional District Survey on Curbing Wall Street’s Influence
A new nationwide survey of likely 2018 voters in key battleground congressional districts reveals overwhelming, broad-based, and intense support for curbing big banks’ influence in Washington, and holding financial companies accountable for discrimination.
Take On Wall Street Poll: Messaging the Financial Transaction Tax
A new nationwide survey of likely 2018 voters in key battleground congressional districts reveals overwhelming, broad-based, and intense support for curbing big banks’ influence in Washington, including solid backing for a Financial Transaction Tax, especially if it's referred to as a "sales tax".
TOWS/AFR Statement: New Poll Reveals Strong Public Support to Stop Lending Discrimination
A new poll reveals overwhelming public support for government action to stop lenders from discriminating against borrowers of color. Lawmakers who voted to roll back the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's effort to guard against discrimination in auto lending were steering against the will of their own voters.