FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 1, 2024 CONTACTAnnie 82 Democratic Members of Congress Urge Biden to Name Postal Board Nominees...
Archive for category: Take on Wall Street
It’s almost the new year. Let’s make sure private equity barons leave their favorite tax giveaway in 2021
Much like corporate raiders of the 1980s, the massive private equity industry spent the Covid-19 pandemic increasingly expanding their control...

Take On Wall Street Poll: Key Findings from Battleground Congressional District Survey on Curbing Wall Street’s Influence
A new nationwide survey of likely 2018 voters in key battleground congressional districts reveals overwhelming, broad-based, and intense support for curbing big banks’ influence in Washington, and holding financial companies accountable for discrimination.
Take On Wall Street Poll: Messaging the Financial Transaction Tax
A new nationwide survey of likely 2018 voters in key battleground congressional districts reveals overwhelming, broad-based, and intense support for curbing big banks’ influence in Washington, including solid backing for a Financial Transaction Tax, especially if it's referred to as a "sales tax".
TOWS/AFR Statement: New Poll Reveals Strong Public Support to Stop Lending Discrimination
A new poll reveals overwhelming public support for government action to stop lenders from discriminating against borrowers of color. Lawmakers who voted to roll back the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's effort to guard against discrimination in auto lending were steering against the will of their own voters.
Take On Wall Street Poll: Voters Support Efforts to Fight Lending Discrimination
Across parties and regions, American voters believe the government should fight discrimination by financial firms against African-Americans and Latinos in lending.
TOWS Brief: Wall Street Makes Bank on Trump
On the first anniversary of the Trump administration, the Take on Wall Street coalition catalogs the ways that Wall Street made bank on Trump in 2017.
TOWS Statement: Wall Street Makes Bank on Trump: 2017 in Review
The report includes facts about lobbying spending that hit $2 billion in the last election cycle, and continues unabated, Wall Street executives in the Trump administration and regulatory agencies, tax cut windfalls for the finance industry, and a deregulatory free-for-all. It also includes a case study of how Wells Fargo’s outrageous conduct somehow earned it the distinction of being the biggest winner from the Trump-Republican tax bill.
AFR/TOWS Statement: Unpopular, Harmful Tax Cuts Reward Wall Street Donors
At a time when millions of everyday Americans are struggling with stagnant wages, Republicans decided to use the tax code to reward its contributors. Polls have shown that the Republican tax bill is deeply unpopular. Voters recognize it for what it is: a giant holiday gift to Wall Street and the super rich that the rest of us will be paying off for decades.
AFR/TOWS Statement: Senate Republican Tax Bill a Gift to Wall Street
On Friday, Senate Republicans passed a bill with some $1.5 trillion in tax cuts, overwhelmingly weighted to the wealthiest Americans. The bill lavishes tax cuts on Wall Street banks, on executives who can manipulate their legal status to obtain a lower tax rate, and on operations in foreign tax havens. In contrast, ordinary Americans earning wages and salaries receive very limited benefits, and in many cases will see their taxes increased.
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