AFR/TOWS Statement: Unpopular, Harmful Tax Cuts Reward Wall Street Donors

At a time when millions of everyday Americans are struggling with stagnant wages, Republicans decided to use the tax code to reward its contributors. Polls have shown that the Republican tax bill is deeply unpopular. Voters recognize it for what it is: a giant holiday gift to Wall Street and the super rich that the rest of us will be paying off for decades.

AFR/TOWS Statement: Senate Republican Tax Bill a Gift to Wall Street

On Friday, Senate Republicans passed a bill with some $1.5 trillion in tax cuts, overwhelmingly weighted to the wealthiest Americans. The bill lavishes tax cuts on Wall Street banks, on executives who can manipulate their legal status to obtain a lower tax rate, and on operations in foreign tax havens. In contrast, ordinary Americans earning wages and salaries receive very limited benefits, and in many cases will see their taxes increased.

TOWS Statement: House Tax Bill a Gift to Wall Street

The Take on Wall Street campaign denounces the passage of a tax bill in the House of Representatives that would give Wall Street and the 1% over $1 trillion in tax breaks while leaving many middle-income Americans paying higher taxes, increasing the public deficit, and leading to deep cuts in important public services.

Another Wall Street Bonus

By Bartlett Naylor, originally posted on CitizenVox. Thousands of bankers made millions of dollars causing the 2008 Wall Street crash, which...