Feb. 1, 2024
Annie Norman
82 Democratic Members of Congress Urge Biden to Name Postal Board Nominees to “Protect and Expand” a Public USPS on letter endorsed by 36 public-interest groups
Eighty-two Democratic members of the House of Representatives signed a letter sent to President Biden today urging him to swiftly nominate two new public-service minded members to the USPS Board of Governors. Thirty-six public interest groups, including Americans for Financial Reform, Public Citizen, Main Street Alliance, Revolving Door Project, Social Security Works, and Voter Action Project, endorsed the letter.
Rep. Raja Krishanoorthi, author of the DEJOY Act – a bill that seeks to prevent longer delivery windows and further price hikes – and Rep. Jamie Raskin, ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, co-led the letter to urge action from the President. DeJoy’s 10-year consolidation plan is entering its third year, wreaking havoc on a treasured public institution.
“The actions of current postal leadership are deeply concerning. Rather than exploring new sources of revenue, it has continued price increases to ‘uncomfortable rates’ around the country,” the letter reads. “Many of us in Congress hear daily from constituents who rely on the Postal Service for essential services like receiving Social Security checks, paying bills, voting, and receiving medication. America deserves a postal service that serves all our communities and prioritizes the needs of those who are too often forgotten, including rural Americans, tribal communities, seniors, and small businesses.”
“We strongly urge President Biden to nominate two new members to the postal board who will protect and expand a public Postal Service,” says Annie Norman, Save the Post Office Campaigner of The Save the Post Office Coalition. “Now is the time for diverse candidates with public-service experience and expertise who reflect the demographics of the postal workforce and the nation. USPS urgently needs bold leaders that will work to expand into the post office of the future and leave behind slash-and-burn management.”
DeJoy’s historic price hikes on stamps and parcels went into effect Jan. 21, while USPS continues to bleed money. Additionally, local service meltdowns continue to surface, such as residents in Houston who are still waiting on holiday packages. The Minnesota Congressional delegation has demanded a full audit into regional operations.
The following 36 groups have endorsed this letter: Americans for Financial Reform, Public Citizen, Main Street Alliance, Small Business Majority, Social Security Works, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Take On Wall Street, In the Public Interest, Voter Action Project, Democracy Out Loud, Greenpeace USA, Communities and Postal Workers United, APWU Local 44, Iowa Progressive Caucus, San Francisco Coalition of Labor Union Women, Clean Elections Texas, True North Research, People Power United, Revolving Door Project, Swing Blue Alliance, Prison Policy Initiative, Secure Elections Network, Pride At Work, Cleveland Jobs With Justice, Government Information Watch, Rootsaction.org, Presente.org, Save the Berkeley Post Office Committee, Chop Wood Carry Water Daily Actions, Indivisible Bainbridge Island, Indivisible Outer Cap pp Indivisible San Jose, Indivisible Sonoma County, Indivisible Washington’s 8th District, Indivisible Whidbey Island, Indivisible Worcester MA